At Halmshaws we're more than happy for you to visit one of our showrooms, where our experts will assist you in designing your new bathroom free of charge. Alternatively, you can design your own bathroom using our free online software...

If you wish to have a go yourself, it couldn't be easier to use our bathroom design software...

Create an Account or Log In

Create a free account with your email address, and we'll automatically send you a password.

If you already have an account and wish to create a new bathroom design or load an old one, please login once you have clicked the online bathroom planner button.  Then click the ‘Design’ button on the left to create the room.

Choose Your Room Layout

Choose a room outline from one of the pre-designed templates, which can then be amended to suit your room by following the instructions below. Your saved bathroom designs will also appear here, and available to choose. Please note, any bathroom design not amended after 30 days will be deleted.

Make It Look Like Your Room

You can select and drag walls or boundaries with your mouse, click dimension labels to edit lengths or drag the black dots at corners to new positions to create the design shape.

Design Your Dream Bathroom - With 3D Views Of Your Design

Add doors, windows, toilets, baths and showers amongst other fittings by clicking on the ‘catalogues’ menu button on the left and then selecting items from the choices given.  Our products have 3D views so you can see what they look like in position.

Add Some Notes, Save or Print Your Design

If you wish to add a note to your design, click on ‘File’ and then ‘Design Notes’.

‘File’ also gives you the opportunity to save or print your design and, once it is finished, you can send it to Halmshaws to be created.

Now you are ready to start your bathroom design - just click the Online Bathroom Planner button

If you need any help and advice, or maybe some inspiration, remember you can call in to see us at either of our Showrooms and one of our experienced Bathroom Designers will be happy to do a design for you, or get in touch